The Coalition for a Balanced Environment is currently being administered by the Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee, a California 501c3. The CBE will fund its operations through pledges from its coalition members. For more information and to contribute, please email us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
More Info
- CBE Position Paper (PDF)
- Environmental Assessment to Implement a Desert Tortoise Recovery Plan Task: Reduce Common Raven Predation on the Desert Tortoise (PDF)
- Finding of no significant impact (FONSI) – Desert Tortoise Recovery Plan (PDF)
- Report: CBE Kerm County Raven Subsidy Reduction Pilot (PDF)
- – Raven and crow numbers grow in Marin, bring environmental problems (PDF)
The Heat is On: Desert Tortoises and Survival
Ravens are one of the primary threats to survival of The Mojave Desert Tortoise
Credit: US Geological Survey and US Fish and Wildlife Service